Why are people deaf?
People become deaf for many reasons. Some are born that way. Others become deaf later. At About Deafness there is information about several causes of hearing loss.

How do deaf people learn to talk?

Deaf people learn through speech and language therapy. Someone teaches a deaf person how to talk.

Do all deaf people use sign language?
No. Many deaf people choose not to use sign language, or were raised without using sign language.

What is sign language?
Sign language is a language of the hands that is used by deaf and hard of hearing people to talk.

How can I talk to a deaf person who reads lips in addition to or instead of signing?
Make sure they can see your face and talk normally, maybe a bit slower if necessary.

Can deaf kids go to school like hearing kids?
Yes. Deaf kids may go to regular public schools (one might even be in your class). This is called mainstreaming. Or they may be in special deaf classes in your school. This is called a center program. Or they may go to a school just for deaf kids.

Can deaf people use the phone? How?
Yes. They can use the telephone with a special device called a TTY. Today more deaf people are using the internet to make calls with the help of relay services. If you are hearing, you can use a TTY or a relay service to to call a deaf person. (link to tty, relays)

Will a deaf kid become hearing when they grow up?
No. There is no cure for deafness, though hearing aids and cochlear implants may help.